On the 17-19 Anadarko sponsored a Geology tour in our area for Anadarko employees, so we had people come in from the Denver office, and a few other places to tour the Greater Natural Buttes Unit. We had a great time and I learned a lot. I had never paid much attention before, but as you drive North on US 191, all of the Geological formations are marked on Geology signs, that tell you the name of the formation, what Era it's from and what that formation is most likely make of.
i.e. Squid, Lava, Ash, Sharks Teeth- etc.
My Friend Candice. She organized 80% of the trip and she did a great job!
Plus we have a super great time messing around learning together. |
This is on the Sheep Creek road. There is an outcropping where two Mountainous formations collided, and I would never have noticed it before, but it really is amazing! |
This is in front of a formation called the Birds Nest. This formation is one that we drill through for most of our wells here in the Buttes. I deal with the names of the formations and their depths, etc. everyday when I am working with the Procedures for Completing our wells, so it was neat to be able to go and actually see the different formations and rocks that they're talking about. |