Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Randomness to Beginning of August

We've been playing lots of Softball {Thus the softball outfit}

We're buying Property in Jensen. This property actually.

We're building a new house. {Dreaming of a kitchen like this!}

Still loving my Thailand pearls

Working around our house to get it perfect and ready to sell

This last weekend, we went on our Annual Dudley family Rafting trip and decided to camp for the weekend instead of just going for one day. It was great fun!
And a much needed get away. I was so ready to get the heck outta Dodge.
I love the Mountain. I would live up there if I could.

Lovin me some colors lately.

And that's a wrap.
I know it's been a long time, but I'm {vaguely} caught up.
I still can't believe it's August though! It seems like yesterday that I was getting on a plane to Thailand.

Happy Wednesday Everybody!

Warren Family Reunion

This is what it looks like when the Cattle Guard parts as you're driving across it.



Thursday 19th. The Dogs found 3 Racoons in the Canal by our house on our walk. They got in a fight {of course} And one of them dragged Liddy down into the canal and was trying to drownd her. Justin was fishing, so I was super frustrated. Long story short- Liddy didn't die. The Racoons got beat, and the dogs were all super muddy and exhausted but we made it to bed about 1 1/2 hours later.

Friday 20th. Our once a month potluck at work. The theme was Red, White and Blue. So I did mini fruit pizzas with sugar cookies.
They were super delish!

Friday 20th. We babysat the little girls over night, and went up to Dyar Park to have dinner with the Dudley's. We did Dutch Oven Pizza and the little girls walked up the creek with bare feet. Then they ran around picking Snake grass bouquets.

Saturday 21st. I took the girls to McDonalds while Justin was at work. We did Happy Meals and played in the play place.

Saturday 21st. Then we went to the park and played with the beach ball. They weren't interested in going on the slide or in the swings at all. They just kicked the ball around for close to an hour, then they were ready to go home.

Saturday 21st. So we drove around for a few, and went home. We turned on some cartoons and konked out!

Sunday 22nd. Got to wear my new skirt to church!

Sunday 22nd. We went to Mammy and Pappy's for a big family dinner. Mont and his family were up from Arizona. I was sitting out back after dinner admiring Mammy's Hostas. They're so amazing! It makes me super jealous.

Sunday 22dn. Family Picture with all the Warren boys.

Monday 23rd. Pinterest found a new Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe for me, so I just had to try it.

Monday 23rd. Cookie time.

Monday 23rd. It must've been new recipe night, because dinner was an experiment also. It turned out good though. Yumm.

I'm getting that urge. Fall. Build something. like this adorable wreath.

Wed. 25th. We went to Jensen and were having dinner at my parents house. The little girls were helping do chores and came and told us that one of Dad's three goats had her Kidd. He got the Lamoncha Ears like his daddy and is colored so pretty.

Wed. 25th. He was pretty cute, learning to walk.

Geology Tour 7/17-7/19

On the 17-19 Anadarko sponsored a Geology tour in our area for Anadarko employees, so we had people come in from the Denver office, and a few other places to tour the Greater Natural Buttes Unit. We had a great time and I learned a lot. I had never paid much attention before, but as you drive North on US 191, all of the Geological formations are marked on Geology signs, that tell you the name of the formation, what Era it's from and what that formation is most likely make of.
i.e. Squid, Lava, Ash, Sharks Teeth- etc.

My Friend Candice. She organized 80% of the trip and she did a great job!
Plus we have a super great time messing around learning together.

This is on the Sheep Creek road. There is an outcropping where two Mountainous formations collided, and I would never have noticed it before, but it really is amazing!

This is in front of a formation called the Birds Nest. This formation is one that we drill through for most of our wells here in the Buttes. I deal with the names of the formations and their depths, etc. everyday when I am working with the Procedures for Completing our wells, so it was neat to be able to go and actually see the different formations and rocks that they're talking about.

July 7th- July 16th

Saturday 7th. I was so glad to be back to the land of Flat Irons! Hallelujah.

Wednesday 11th. Lovin the pearls I brought home with me from Thailand.

Thursday 12th. Stopped and ate lunch at the park one day. So nice.

Thursday 12th. We got to go on a date to the movies!

Friday 13th. My Mom and Dad were babysitting Hailey and Natalie (It was Rodeo week and Tiffany had a booth on the court house lawn) so I met up with them and we all had Wendy's for dinner.
Friday 13th. They were a little bit we ended up taking 5000 pictures on my phone to keep them entertained. Silly girls.
Sunday 15th. After Justin and Tyler got back from the Gorge, we all went to Jensen for dinner and took the kids down to the Green River to catch some Cat Fish.

Sunday 15th. They had a lot of fun and caught quite a few fish.

Sunday 15th. My dad even came down and fished with us for a little while. Everything we caught was super tiny, but the kids had fun reeling them in and grabbing them out of the water.

Sunday 15th. It rained on us at the River for about 5 minutes, and the clouds in front of the sun were super pretty!

Sunday 15th. Melanie and I traded Louis Vuitton's that we brought home from Thailand. Love it.

Monday 16th. YAY! For my tiny Garden. It's such a trooper!

Monday 16th. Super enjoying Home made French dips and fresh sqaush from the garden.